Today, our gardener Giovanni taught us how to make a Mediterranean wreath using predominantly bay leaves and Spanish broom flowers. This shrub, known as Ginestra odorosa in Italian, is indigenous and grows spontaneously all around the Mediterranean basin. You will recognise it by its sweet, heady fragrance and small yellow flowers.


We don’t use any glue or nails and so there is no reason why the youngest of helpers can’t join you in making this spring wreath.

  • String
  • A pair of scissors
  • A bay leaf branch for the base (a branch from any other shrub that is easy to work with will also do).
  • Scotch Broom flowers or any other flowers you may prefer.


The first step is creating the base: it looks difficult, but all you need to do is twist the branch around itself to form a ring. Place your ring base on a work surface and if it doesn’t seem stable enough, tie it down with some string.

As you can see, once the base is made, you can decide how to decorate your wreath by adding flowers and twigs, simply tying them on with string.