On the occasion of this special day dedicated to the enamored, we thought we would learn a little about the language of Winter flowers. Decisions about the flowers we choose for someone are often entirely subjective and based on a memory, fragrance, shape or colour that pleases us. Yet certain flowers and plants often conceal hidden meanings, are associated with ancient legends, convey specific messages and safeguard an enticing symbology to explore.
Is it possible to create a sustainable Valentine’s Day bouquet that conveys messages of love, with the flowers available in a wintery February?
Well, our gardeners took up the challenge, and the result was quite surprising.

A flower as noble as it is simple, the rose is the quintessential flower of love: the sacred flower of Venus, symbol of passion, purity and unforeseen attraction. The rose had to be in our Valentine Bouquet. But it is cold in February, even for the most ardent spirits, and our roses are not flowering yet. Despite the large amount of roses in Vignamaggio, we only found one flower that was still in bloom, a small white rose that you can see in the center of our bouquet.
What can be done? Fortunately, the rose family is extraordinarily large, and we found a worthy representative of the classic rose. It is not the flower we are used to seeing in the markets, nor that nestled in the hair of brides, and it has a much less elegant name. It is the cotoneaster, a cheerful evergreen rosacea that bears fleshy orange berries.
Giving a bunch of cotoneaster on St Valentine’s Day sends a unique message: “I will always love you, even through the winters”.

The Christmas rose, or hellebore, is a beautiful flower that grows when the woods are bare, from January to March, in the cooler, more humid areas of the forest. This splendid flower symbolises infatuation and a hint of folly and sarcasm. It has one fatal flaw: its berries contain a deathly poison, for which there is no known cure.

Boxwood is evergreen, faithful and stoic. Carrier of one clear message: “I will never change and nor will my feelings for you.” Its deep roots make it drought resistant as well as a symbol of calm in the face of adversity. It lives a long time, grows anywhere, and can endure the cold. An alternative to boxwood, which you can also find in our bouquet, is rosemary: a symbol of a happy heart, that symbolises a long-term commitment.

The Viburnum seems like a delicate little flower, but it thrives in winter, during the harshest cold months. It is a wild bush that can be found in the woods at the bottom of the valley. Its tiny white flowers represent winter and symbolise tenacity. Its message is: “Your love makes me happy”.