After an extremely hot and dry summer, during the first harvest days, like manna from heaven, the rain finally arrived.

Rains relieved the hydro-stress of the grapes. The grape’s skins were still hard, but thanks to the current thermal excursion, they are ripening well and getting softer.

We have harvested so far Merlot, the white grapes Malvasia and Trebbiano and we just began with the Sangiovese, which represents the main vine on the estate, with the 80% of Sangiovese grapes.

Our “vendemmiatori”, the harvesters, are now shared in 2 different groups. Each group is leaded by a different tractorist: Antonio L., Antonio M., Nevair or Marco.

But who are the harvesters this year?

Above from the left: Giacomo, Veprim, Marco, Tafil, Angelo, Francesco, Antonio M., Besir, Aldo, Ivan.

Below from the left: Mustapha, Zakaria, Radouan, Mustapha e Abdul.

Above, from the left: Alberto, Nevair, Flurim, Ismail, Ovidio, Aurel, Gica.

Below, from the left: Francesco, Antonio L., Valentina e Michele.

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