Summer in the vineyard is probably the most stressful and tough time of the year, but it is also the time of the first, visible results of the work that has been done in the past seasons.
This year has been one of the worst droughts in decades in Southern Europe, but the typical Tuscan Summer is often characterized by high temperatures and drought: for these reasons, shoots growth slowed down in the month of July and finished at the end of the month.

The first year of life is the most difficult and delicate period for the vine, which must find the strength (and the water) to thrive.
Our young were suffering for this heat wave and we had to water them for several days.

Between the middle of July and the beginning of August, the red grapes had begun “veraison”, acquiring their red colour due to the formation of anthocyanin in the skin: the beginning of ripening.
The white grapes destined for the production of Vinsanto had lost their green colour and assumed a translucent yellow colour.
Always in this period, the grapes continue to ripen. While the acids decrease, the tannin and anthocyanin content in the skin increases, as does the sugar content in the pulp. The skin and the pulp become progressively softer.

During the next days and weeks we will begin with the grape sampling to decide when to pick the grapes. A variety of factors influences this decision: the maturity and health of the grapes and of course the weather forecast.
Vignamaggio Team