Frollemente used our Prime Gocce extra virgin olive oil to create three delicious salads with the ingredients and flavours of autumn and winter. Find out how to prepare these simple, delicious and natural salads in just a few minutes.

Chicken salad with radicchio, fennel, orange, and green and black olives.
A chicken salad with an intense and appetizing Mediterranean flavour. A unique dish that will excite your palate, and those of your guests.

1 round radicchio
1 fennel bulb
Half an orange
100 g black and green olives
300 g chicken
Prime Gocce extra virgin olive oil
How to prepare the salad:
Spice the chicken (with paprika, pepper and rosemary) and sauté. Finely slice the radicchio, fennel and orange.
When the chicken is cooked, assemble the salad, adding the olives and other ingredients. A drizzle of Prime Gocce olive oil completes and enhances the dish, with a touch of Tuscan authenticity.
Chickpea salad with baby spinach, pomegranate, apple, gorgonzola and walnuts
A salad with a refined harmony of decisive and enveloping flavours. A well-balanced, complete meal, perfect for your autumn dinners.

Baby spinach
Half a pomegranate
100 g Gorgonzola
50 g Walnuts
1 Apple
200 g Chickpeas (garbanzo beans)
1 tablespoon of flour
Prime Gocce Olio extra virgin olive oil
How to prepare the salad:
Start by drying the drained chickpeas and then rolling them in the flour and paprika. Roast them in a fan assisted oven at 220° C for 25 minutes.
When the chickpeas are ready, assemble your salad and dress it with a drizzle of Prime Gocce olive oil.
Broccoli, butter potato, endive, avocado, granola and chopped pistachio salad
A vitamin, mineral and carbohydrate rich salad. The perfect, wholesome meal to end off an intense day of study or work.

500 g broccoli florets
500 g butter potatoes
1 salad endive
Half an avocado
Chopped pistachios
Prime Gocce Olio extra virgin olive oil
How to make the salad:
Boil the broccoli florets in salted water until they are tender.
Wash the potatoes well, dress with your choice of spices and roast in a fan assisted oven at
220°C for 35/40 minutes.
Assemble the salad and season to taste with a drizzle of Prime Gocce olive oil